Decoding Reader Feedback

Writer = Grill Master

Writer = Grill Master

There’s no shortcut to slow-cooking ribs, and writing is the same.

Revision takes time, but that “fall-off-the-bone” end result is worth it.

Every story needs a test audience. The key to making the most of reader feedback is: Don’t be in a hurry.


First, exhaust your own ability to critique and revise. Polish that piece as much as possible.

Readers can’t focus on problems that eluded you if they are struggling to understand the plot or distracted by grammar and mechanics.

Draft. Revise. Let Sit. Revise. Let Sit. Proofread. Proofread. Proofread . . . and THEN seek feedback. You won’t get valuable insights until you weed out issues you can catch yourself.


When you first receive feedback, be completely open. Listen. Don’t speak.

Your story must speak for itself, so don’t waste energy explaining it. When you’re defensive, you’re not listening to what worked or didn’t work. Even odd suggestions still indicate points of disconnect that you need to know about.

Once your reader(s) are done sharing their thoughts, feel free to ask questions and seek clarification. When getting verbal feedback, take notes about everything you’re hearing.


Your reaction to feedback may be defensive, celebratory, or in between. But just like when

At first, the writer must be a zen sponge in an ocean of ideas. Absorb now. Accept or reject later.

At first, the writer must be a zen sponge in an ocean of ideas. Absorb now. Accept or reject later.

you get into an argument, a day goes by and you realize, “Hey, he/she had a point!” Time turns anger into insight. Pride into caution.

You should neither accept nor reject criticism right after you receive it. Unless the changes are purely typographical and cosmetic, put revisions on hold for at least twenty-four hours. If you have the luxury, wait a week, or longer.

Give your brain time to concoct new ideas that spawn from reader insights.


Many changes are no-brainers. If something confused the reader and there’s a fix that doesn’t alter your beloved story or characters: by all means fix it!

Other changes will be murkier, and at times overwhelming. Hopefully, you’ve chosen your test audience for a reason. You trust their impressions, but you know their tastes well enough to account for personal preferences that need not define your story.

Don’t over-complicate your decision-making process. Know your story, know your audience, and let that knowledge drive the advice you accept or reject.

If a majority of your readers had a problem, something’s gotta change! You don’t have to use any one suggestion, but you have to find the common denominator issue and fix it. For example, if almost everyone found it unrealistic that Grandma suddenly knew martial arts in the climax, you don’t have to give Granny a gun like one reader suggested, but at least start dropping clues that she’s a black belt in Act One.

If a minority, or even just one reader, had a very specific problem: You STILL have to carefully consider that impression. Just know that you cannot please everyone. If you step back and think about the problem your test reader had, you can usually tell when it’s a matter of personal taste.

In some cases, your test reader just wanted to read a different story. Or your character reminded them of someone they hate. Smile, nod, and thank that reader for the idea, but you don’t have to change your story over one sour impression.

However, if that one random gripe persistently gnaws at your brain stem, guess what? Maybe you agree with that person.

I’ve frequently made worthwhile changes based on one lone insight. In particular, listen to readers who have a better perspective than you on your story’s character or situation. When writing about an ice fisherman, I trusted the knowledge of an outdoorsman. When writing about thirteen-year-old Violet Black, I trusted female readers, having never been a thirteen-year-old girl myself.

The opposite is true too. Don’t let a “civilian” inform you about something that you are an expert on. Some people are “know-it-alls.” If your test reader thought Doctor So-and-So “wasn’t being very realistic” when he neglected to wash his hands, but as an OR Nurse, you’ve seen worse, then trust your own experience and authority.

What about when half your readers love something and half hate it. Stephen King has great advice on split feedback from his book On Writing:

“In baseball, tie goes to the runner; for novelists, it goes to the writer.”

You make the call! If you like the story as written, awesome! If you’re worried about the

The King says: Tie Goes to the Writer!

The King says: Tie Goes to the Writer!

haters, though, you can compromise. Don’t throw away a character, plot point, or image that half your readers loved, but do modify, add, or enhance those elements based on the criticism.

For my novel Jake Carter & the Nightmare Gallery, I had a handful of readers who didn’t understand my villain’s motivations. I also had a majority of readers who loved the insidious Dr. Shade and found him to be a psychologically complex brand of evil.

While I personally felt I had a great villain, the criticism still prompted me to rewrite a few chapters. In the end, I was happier that I brought out more of what made my bad guy tick. The readers who didn’t like the character would still probably be underwhelmed, but the readers I had already won over were only going to like it more.


You’ve received, absorbed, and applied feedback. Now what? Chances are, you’ll feel one of three ways:

  • Satisfied: You’re confident enough to put finishing touches on this story, shop it around, or do whatever you do with stories labeled “Done!”
  • Uncertain: You’ve made great changes, but your gut says something’s still not right. Get some more feedback! Back to phase 1!
  • Vexed: Your story isn’t ready to be published. But nor is it necessarily ready for more feedback because you haven’t fixed everything you know is wrong. Sometimes the best thing to do is put a draft like this in suspension. Let it sit in a drawer (or hard drive) for a few months while you develop other projects.

You never know when you’ll eventually stumble upon the solution for that dormant project!

Connect with Kevin M. Folliard on . . .

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The Wrong Coat Anthology on Sale NOW!

WrongCoatA while back, my writers group posed an interesting prompt for its members: write a story, poem, play, or essay about a character who accidentally grabs the wrong coat by mistake. Today we’re proud to present:

The Wrong Coat: an anthology by the Brookfield and La Grange Writers Group

“Our coats are quiet, obedient servants, reliably there for us when we need them . . . until they’re not. What happens when, either by accident or design, we find ourselves in possession of the wrong coat? Eighteen writers answer this question through short fiction, poetry, or memoir. Within these pages are ordinary people whose wrong coat affects their lives in surprising, sometimes life-changing ways. Their journeys are poignant, funny, sometimes chilling. The eighteen writers in this anthology explore how wrong coats can become instructive or vindictive when they’ve left their rightful owners. Learn what can happen when the wrong coat meets the wrong person. It could happen to you.”

In my scary story “Polar Bound,” twins Emma and Alice are about to board a magical train to tour Santa’s workshop at the North Pole, but a secret between sisters provides an express pass to a far more sinister place.

The Wrong Coat is a really cool collection with a wide variety of local writers all putting their unique spins on this theme of misunderstanding, so be sure to check it out!

Purchase on Amazon:

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Discover (Don’t Invent) Your Story’s Theme!

The right theme has that glass slipper fit!

The right theme has that glass slipper fit!

Like actors struggling to find their motivation, writers fret over theme:

“What does this story mean?” “Why is it relevant?”

“What’s the gosh-darned moral?”

Here’s a secret that most writers don’t admit:

“Theme is NO BIG DEAL!”

But wait! Aren’t we taught that the meaning of a story is the most important part? Isn’t a story without thematic value essentially pointless?

To clarify: theme matters, but it’s not something to stress about. As long as you write a realistic story with authentic characters and circumstances, a natural, organic theme will arise.

That’s because real life is full of meaning, and your characters’ actions should represent believable desires, behaviors, and impulses. As a result, any worthwhile story has at least one important theme built in.

There are two approaches to theme:

1.) Start with a story idea; discover the theme LATER: Just like in real life, hindsight is 20-20. You don’t learn a life lesson until it’s over. You don’t understand why you and your spouse had that argument until the next day. Your father’s sage words of advice didn’t make sense until you turned 35. Theme does not need to be figured out ahead of time. It’s waiting to be discovered in the story, like buried treasure.

2.) Choose a Theme and Build the Story Around It: Not impossible, but potentially dangerous. Fiction written to serve a preconceived idea can be preachy, predictable, or self-serving. When characters and events become mouthpieces for the writer’s point, reader will not be invested. If you must start with theme, be careful to develop the events that fit that theme organically and avoid creating “writer propaganda.”

Themes can be as complex as the people, places, and things an author writes about. There’s no limit to the important ideas that form in your writing, but the following list suggests the kinds of themes you might discover:

  • The impacts of emotions
  • Dynamics of relationships
  • Relationships with God/nature/the universe
  • Man vs. the elements (or magical/sci-fi forces!)
  • Relationships to culture/country/society
  • Physical or mental health (sickness, vitality, virility, substance abuse, sexuality, etc.)

Your story may fall into one or more of those categories, and the theme you discover might even defy classification! Check out these familiar examples:

  • Cinderella: An innocent girl is forced to dress in rags and do chores for her nasty stepmother and stepsisters, until her fairy godmother gives her a makeover and sets her up with a handsome prince. Theme: Social/Karmic Justice
  • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: A young boy adventures down the
    Huck didn't know what he was doing when he headed downriver. He figured it out on the way!

    Huck didn’t know what he was doing when he headed downriver. He figured it out on the way!

    Mississippi River with his friend Jim in the pre-Civil War American South. Theme(s): The relationship between race and identity in an oppressive culture. The social and moral hypocrisy of cultural expectations. The wisdom inherent in innocent people.

  • A Game of Thrones: In a fantasy world, the newly appointed Hand of the King uncovers conspiracies, corruption, and hypocrisy as he attempts to serve the realm justly and honestly. Theme(s): The Burden of Authority, Moral Ambiguity and Social Darwinism, Corruption, Bonds of Family, The Impacts of Clashing Religious Beliefs, The Futility of Control (And a LOT more!)

Notice how short, snappy tales tend to have one main overarching theme, while longer, more complex works usually have many themes that are intertwined (kinda like real life!)

Once you discover an interesting idea, concept, message, moral, or reality that your story is representing, bring it out more in future drafts. You don’t want to hit theme too hard on the head. You want the readers to discover it in that same “A-HA!” way that you did.

Connect with Kevin M. Folliard on . . .

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Arbor Day Terror Tales! (April Fools!)

Arbor Day Terror Tales is on sale at Amazon now! (Seriously!)

Arbor Day Terror Tales is on sale at Amazon now! (Seriously!)

I am pleased to announce my newest title is now on sale through Kindle and! Arbor Day Terror Tales: Sinister Yarns of Woodland Woe features thirteen insidious stories all featuring arboreal evils that grew from the blackest soils and twisted roots of my macabre imagination!

Mankind has always loved his trees, but what happens when the trees say “no more!” This collection explores this and other terrifying questions about humanity’s shaky relationship with the masters of the Plant Kingdom. A wicked willow invades the swampy nightmares of a trio of befuddled fishermen. The ghost of a vengeful spruce plagues the agenda of a rebellious rabbi. A jilted bride, lost in America’s iconic Red Wood Forest, unearths more companionship than she could have ever bargained for and ends up smothered in the fiery autumn of her deepest regrets!

Arbor Day Terror Tales features the following fiendish fables:

Flowering Plants Without Pity
Trick or Tree
Willow Willow Won’t
The Rabbi and the Knothole
Bark to the Future
She Attempted to Get Down from the Tree but She Couldn’t Seem to
Oak Too Soon
The Redwoods’ Bride
The Clown in the Apple Orchard
The Vampire’s Garden Hose
The Cursed Tree-House Where Children Died
A Tree with Tons of Spiders in It
A Smaller Tree with Just One Really Big Spider

With branch shakingly spooky illustrations by real life paleobotonist Dr. James Molloy, these stories are creepier and crawlier than a troop of ravenous wood lice! Hunker down, dim the lights, and leaf through these sturdy tall tales. But don’t climb too high into the canopy of the unknown! That evergreen outside your window just could be plotting to trim your branches!

Arbor Day Terror Tales: Sinister Yarns of Woodland Woe is available for $2.99 on Kindle and $5.50 in paperback. But you can’t buy it because this is an April Fools joke post!

Go buy my other books though! 🙂

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Kevin M. Folliard has studied trees his entire life and dedicated every ounce of his free time to nurturing a supernatural psychic bond with the plant world. He alone is qualified to write about them, and anything else that you might read about plants from other so-called experts is a lie.

ABOUT THE ILLUSTRATOR: Paleobotonist Dr. James Molloy draws really cool comic books where trees probably exist somewhere in the background sometimes. You should buy his books too!

Kevin Folliard’s Books on Amazon:
Learn More About Arbor Day:

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Bumps in the Road on sale NOW!

On sale NOW!

On sale NOW!

I’m pleased to announce that Black Bed Sheet Books’ Bumps in the Road anthology is now on sale through Amazon, in paperback and Kindle, featuring my scary story “Ink!”

“Roads have been around for centuries, allowing mankind a convenient path to arrive at their destination—be it a lengthy vacation getaway with family or merely to their own inviting home after an exhausting day at work. These roadway treks can bring with them a lifetime of memories. But not all memories are good. And some things are best left forgotten. Join our storytellers as they share the morbid, woeful, and disturbing outcomes of an otherwise normal commute, as we watch each of these unfortunate souls fall victim to their own little bumps in the road. A unique horror anthology.”

In my story “Ink,” a weary road-tripping divorcee struggles against the influence of two unsavory, black-eyed children who he encounters in the dead of night, just off the Pennsylvania Turnpike.

Bumps in the Road is a really cool collection with a wide variety of writers all putting their unique spins on the theme of roads and travel, so be sure to check it out!



Black Bed Sheet Books:

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Wax & Wane: A Gathering of Witch tales–On Sale NOW!

Pre-Order Wax & Wane and check out my story "Hour of the Owl!"

Wax & Wane on sale NOW!

I’m pleased to announce that Nosetouch Press’s Wax & Wane: A Gathering of Witch Tales is now on sale through Amazon, in paperback and Kindle, featuring my scary story “Hour of the Owl!”

“Whether wicked or whimsical, few folkloric figures are as iconic as the witch. Wax & Wane: A Gathering of Witch Tales serves up 30 spellbinding stories of witches that are enchanting and terrifying, amusing and enticing. Classic or eclectic, fantastical or historical, these witch tales are a literary incantation to delight any fans of witches and witchcraft.”

In my story “Hour of the Owl,” Jean’s estranged son Wesley returns home to the family orchard with an unusual new bride named Ava. Ava is a slender, ageless woman with bird-like features and a nocturnal schedule. She quickly charms the men in Jean’s family and spends copious amounts of time performing strange rituals in the barn at night. Soon Jean begins to suffer nightmares about owls and a shadowy entity named Stryxus who seeks to claim her son. The story is about a mother’s unconditional love struggling against both the figurative and literal dark forces which have fractured her family.

Check out Nosetouch’s author interview with yours truly here! Wax & Wane is a really cool collection with a wide variety of writers all putting their unique spins on witch lore, so be sure to check it out!

ORDER Wax & Wane:

KEVIN M. FOLLIARD Contributor Spotlight:


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SMILE! It’s February!

SMILE! It's February!

SMILE! It’s February!

Hello readers!

It’s once again that magically dreary month when we all need a good book to get us through the winter!

If you haven’t already, now is a great time to check out my scary stories collection Valentine Terror Tales: Scary Stories of Dark Romance! VTT is just $2.99 for Kindle or $5.50 in paperback, and it makes a great gift for single people or couples that love spooky things! Like all my books, VTT is also available for all KindleUnlimited readers, all the time!

I also have TWO giveaways this month:

Plenty of fun, spooky books to get you through that happy Valentine’s Day we all deserve! Pleasant reading!

VTT COVER v2 Violet Black Cover Full-Res Nightmare Gallery Redux PRINT v2

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Amazon Purchase Links:
Author Facebook:
Terror Tales on Facebook:

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Pre-Order Wax & Wane: A Gathering of Witch Tales

Pre-Order Wax & Wane and check out my story "Hour of the Owl!"

Pre-Order Wax & Wane and check out my story “Hour of the Owl!”

Happy 2016, readers!

I’m pleased to announce the first of several upcoming publications. Pre-order Nosetouch Press’s Wax & Wane: A Gathering of Witch Tales on Amazon, featuring my scary story “Hour of the Owl!”

“Whether wicked or whimsical, few folkloric figures are as iconic as the witch. Wax & Wane: A Gathering of Witch Tales serves up 30 spellbinding stories of witches that are enchanting and terrifying, amusing and enticing. Classic or eclectic, fantastical or historical, these witch tales are a literary incantation to delight any fans of witches and witchcraft.”

Check out Nosetouch’s author interview with yours truly here! Wax & Wane is a really cool collection with a wide variety of writers all putting their unique spins on witch lore, so be sure to check it out! Keep a watchful eye out right here for more updates on this as well as other upcoming collections and publications!

PRE-ORDER Wax & Wane:

KEVIN M. FOLLIARD Contributor Spotlight:



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Christmas for Your Kindle–2 FREE Titles!

FREE on Christmas Day!

FREE on Christmas Day!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

2015 was an excellent year for scary stories and fun adventures, and I wanted to thank my readers with a couple of FREE titles!Grab my chiller novella Christmas Terror Tales: “Below” and my dark fantasy novel Jake Carter & the Nightmare Gallery on the house December 25th, but also keep in mind:

I look forward to announcing more cool projects and publications for 2016. Happy Holidays! 🙂

Author Website:
Amazon Purchase Links:
Author Facebook:
Terror Tales on Facebook:

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Black Friday Weekend Kindle Giveaways!

FREE scary Christmas story!

FREE scary Christmas story!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Black Friday through Cyber Monday (11-27 through 11-30), I have 3 FREE Kindle Titles you can download:

Please read, review, and if you like what you read, grab some paperbacks for those young readers on your list! Books like Christmas Terror Tales and my new fantasy adventure Jimmy Chimaera and the Temple of Champions make great stocking-stuffers!

Remember also to support the small businesses in your local community this weekend (more info on where local Chicagoland readers can find my books HERE!)

Happy Holidays!

Author Banner_blackfri

Author Website:
Amazon Purchase Links:
Author Facebook:
Terror Tales on Facebook:

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