Encouragement for Fellow Creative Types. . .

Seven years in the making.

Hey Everyone!

Thanks again to those who have helped spread the word about my new dark fantasy novel Jake Carter and the Nightmare Gallery. Jake Carter is a special project for me because not only was it my first truly successful attempt at a novel, but it was a manuscript I worked hard on for seven long years. It wasn’t until this past year that I felt confident enough about my writing to get it done, bound, and in the hands of readers. Bludgeoning that old manuscript into my 2012 caliber was rough to say the least, but I have no regrets.

The internet age has allowed writers, artists, musicians, and filmmakers to blaze a trail, be daring, and find their audiences. We’re lucky to live in what I’ve dubbed “The Creative Wild West” where you can work hard, better yourself, and get something special out there for people to enjoy. But sometimes it can be scary. For every person who congratulates your hard work, there seem to be ten subjective somebodies who undermine it. The internet brings great freedom, but that freedom is often laced with snarkiness, backhanded compliments, and subjective opinions disguised as “intellectual feedback.”

It can be hard to know when your work is ready for publication, and certainly everyone should work hard to make it all that it can be. But sluicing through feedback, separating the subjective from the substantial, and reconciling your own vision . . . can drive you insane.

As I neared completion of Jake Carter and the Nightmare Gallery, I decided that I wanted a few thought provoking quotes for its opening pages. Art and the artist’s ability to create is a running theme throughout Jake’s story, and I came across some really cool quotes about what it means to be an artist, what it feels like to create, and how artists should think of themselves.

Here are some quotes that I think can really help creative people stay on track, levelheaded, and motivated as they create and refine their art:

“Have no fear of perfection, you’ll never reach it.”
-Salvador Dali

“Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing.”
-Salvador Dali

“There is no must in art because art is free.”
-Wassily Kandinsky

“A good artist has less time than ideas.”
-Martin Kippenberger

“Creativity takes courage.”
-Henri Matisse

“It is important to express oneself…provided the feelings are real and are taken from your own experience.”
-Berthe Morisot

“Why do people think artists are special? It’s just another job.”
-Andy Warhol

“Life isn’t a support system for art. It’s the other way around.”
-Stephen King

“I’m convinced that fear is at the root of most bad writing.”
-Stephen King

“. . . if you don’t want to work your ass off, you have no business trying to write well . . .”
-Stephen King

“You can’t please all of the readers all of the time; you can’t even please some of the readers all of the time, but you really ought to try to please at least some of the readers some of the time.”
-Stephen King

“In baseball, tie goes to the runner; for novelists, it goes to the writer.”
-Stephen King

These last two quotes by the great Mr. Stephen King were crucial in keeping my head on

Every fiction writer should read this book at least once a year.

straight as I revised my writing this past year. I stand behind Jake Carter as being a great story with excellent characters. It’s the most thematically rich and polished piece of fiction I’ve yet produced. Period.

And yet, not everyone likes fantasy. Not everyone likes dark fantasy. And even the people who do like dark fatnasy . . . don’t like every dark fantasy. Stories are products of individuals, and they speak to some individuals better than others. Some people won’t “get” my story, and it’ll bother them too much. Other people won’t totally “get it” but they’ll still enjoy the tale and its quirky characters regardless. And God willing, somewhere out there is a 12 year old kid who may some day encounter my book who thinks “Wow! Jake is just like me!” But good fiction doesn’t need to have its themes and ideas falling off the bone like prime rib. It’s just gotta be honest.

Not everyone will enjoy your art. It’s okay. Just be confident and fearless about why some people will, and keep right on creating because that’s what you love to do.

Heed the feedback and advice of your peers, fellow artists, voracious readers, intellectuals, etc. Just know that they’re not the rule book (even if they sometimes act like they are.) There are some universal rules about art and writing, but in reality nobody is an expert. Eventually you start to develop your own rule book. It should be a flexible one, based on a solid foundation of hard work, trial and error, and the sound truths you alone can discover about your own craft and style. The people who hate your story will usually give you the best ideas for improving it . . . but stop short of allowing them to rewrite it for you. They don’t completely understand what you’re up to.

Fear is a creative prison, and I know a lot of people who keep themselves locked up because they are terrified of criticism. Furthermore, the internet puts all the criticism out there for everyone to see, like heads on pikes surrounding an impenetrable castle wall.

But what is there to fear really? The net can snark you all it wants, but you won’t even bleed. You may learn that what you’ve written, drawn, or produced just plain isn’t working, but so what? Do something else. That’s being professional.

Failure is nothing. All the most successful people throughout history and right up into the modern “biz” fail, lots of times. We just don’t remember them for that. (Did Joss Whedon give us “Doll House?” Uh, NO, he gave us “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and The Avengers dangit!)

Creative success has nothing to do with money or a huge following. It’s working hard, being productive, having confidence, fully understanding the value of what you create, and knowing that no matter how small your audience is . . . having that audience makes you rich. Go out there and make stuff! I’ll keep my eye out for it.

Jake Carter Press Release: http://www.kevinfolliard.com/blog/?p=283
Jake Carter on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Carter-Nightmare-Gallery-Kevin-Folliard/dp/1475006799/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1343833648&sr=8-1&keywords=jake+carter+and+the+nightmare+gallery
Kevin Folliard’s YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/kmfollia/feed?feature=context-cha

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Jake Carter and the Nightmare Gallery: Chapter 1 Preview

Alert the Neighborhood Watch! Jake Carter and the Nightmare Gallery is on sale NOW, and its got some "shady" characters.

Hey Everyone!

It’s been a fantastic summer of dark fiction! Huge thanks to everyone who has already ordered my dark fantasy novel Jake Carter and the Nightmare Gallery, as well as to those who took advantage of the Christmas in July promotion for Christmas Terror Tales. The Kindle version of CTT will be returning to a new low price of 2.99 for August.

Furthermore both CTT and Jake Carter are now available FREE for Amazon Prime Members! It’s a great time to be an author, and an even better time to explore new writing! 🙂

As always, I appreciate your help and support spreading the word about my writing. Jake Carter is a great book for sci-fi and fantasy fans ages 12 and up. Like Christmas Terror Tales, it’s written on a level appropriate for younger readers, but with a real world edge and an unapologetic scariness that many young readers crave.

Over many years of striking up conversations with teachers and moms as an aspiring author, one thing I always heard is “there aren’t enough books to hold my son/nephew/tween male student’s interest.” So if there’s a creative and introspective young gentleman in your life, here’s a story I hope he’ll enjoy.

But don’t take my word for it. Check out the preview pages on Amazon, or better yet, check out the audio readings on my YouTube page. Here’s chapter 1:

Check out Jake Carter and CTT on Amazon, and don’t forget to take a few minutes to write a brief Amazon review and share your honest thoughts about who you think might enjoy these books!

I’ll leave you scary stories fans with one final tidbit: Jake Carter will not be my only new publication for 2012. I’ve got something fun planned for the holidays. Something horrific, affordable, and ice cold. Details to come.

Jake Carter Press Release: http://www.kevinfolliard.com/blog/?p=283
Jake Carter on Amazon:
CTT on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Christmas-Terror-Tales-Stories-December/dp/1463786948/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1343833668&sr=1-1&keywords=Christmas+Terror+Tales
CTT on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Christmas-Terror-Tales/204731106257625
Kevin Folliard’s YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/kmfollia/feed?feature=context-cha

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Jake Carter and the Nightmare Gallery on Sale Now!

Available NOW on Amazon.com!

La Grange, IL – July 28, 2012 – Author Kevin M. Folliard’s new dark fantasy novel Jake Carter and the Nightmare Gallery is now available through Amazon.com in paperback and Kindle for sci-fi and fantasy fans ages 12 and up!

When 6th grade outcast Jake Carter meets the enigmatic Dr. Shade, his dreams become reality. Shade’s miraculous technology grants access to the mental realm of the dreamscape, where anything is possible. Furthermore, Jake discovers that his long lost twin brother Luke has been serving as Shade’s loyal protégé for the past seven years.

Yet Jake and Luke’s reunion is soured by the doctor’s nightmarish agenda. Soon, protecting the world of sleeping innocents takes Jake on an adventure past the boundaries of imagination.

Jake Carter is a story about coping with loss and finding one’s place in society as a young daydreamer. In his quest to save his brother, Jake must come to terms with issues of friendship, faith, and creativity.

Jake Carter and the Nightmare Gallery is currently available through Amazon.com. Preview pages are available through Amazon’s “search inside” feature, and more information is available at www.kevinfolliard.com.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Kevin Folliard is a Chicago area author whose works include the acclaimed videogame parody Press Start films and their companion web series Press Start Adventures. He has also published the holiday themed scary stories compilation Christmas Terror Tales.

Jake Carter on Amazon:
Paperback – http://www.amazon.com/Carter-Nightmare-Gallery-Kevin-Folliard/dp/1475006799/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1343544238&sr=8-1&keywords=Jake+Carter+and+the+nightmare+gallery
Kindle – http://www.amazon.com/Jake-Carter-Nightmare-Gallery-ebook/dp/B008QBWXMS/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1343544552&sr=1-2&keywords=Jake+Carter+and+the+nightmare+gallery
Jake Carter on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdqEjzIrgpg

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New Developments!

Jake Carter & the Nightmare Gallery will be available through Amazon in paperback and Kindle later this summer!

Hey folks!

I know it’s been quiet on the old blog lately, but I wanted to let the internet know that I have plenty of writing projects lined up for 2012 and beyond! The first of which is my upcoming dark fantasy novel “Jake Carter & the Nightmare Gallery!” Enjoy this sneak peek at the cover art.

Jake’s adventure will be available on Amazon later this month. Full details will coincide! 🙂

In other news, I’ll be expanding my YouTube page to include readings of novel exceprts and scary stories. First up is “The Christmas Jack-O-Lantern” from my scary stories collection Christmas Terror Tales.

Finally, don’t forget that it’s Christmas in July at the CTT Facebook page. Go check out the cool trivia and summer related postings! For the month of july only, CTT is just 0.99 cents on Kindle! With October just a few months away, it’s a good time to invest in some spooky tales.

CTT on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005QU8AU6/ref=s9_simh_gw_p351_d0_g351_i1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=0MBYB8GETJQTTYXPZZFR&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=470938631&pf_rd_i=507846
CTT on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Christmas-Terror-Tales/204731106257625
CTT on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaOz1wWBXxE

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Press Start Q & A!

Now available at Darkmaze.com!

Greetings Press Start Fans!

Because Press Start Adventures is now available on DVD at DarkMaze.com, I’m taking questions today about all things Press Start!  More info about Press Start in the links below, but let’s get right to the Q&A!

Cole Eckert Asks:

If and when can we expect Press Start 3?  And will we finally get a live-action appearance from God’s most devoted follower, Trenton Belfast?

Excellent questions Cole!

Press Start 3, or rather future Press Start projects in general remain a possibility.  Every now and then I double check with Ed Glaser and say “Hey I know we’re both busy with
X, Y, and Z; but I’m still game for more Press Start stuff some day!”  And so far every time he’s come back and said, “Me too!”  So that’s a good sign!

I suspect much of the dedicated cast and crew would be game too.  The question that we’ll have to answer if and when the time comes is what form would the next Press Start
project take?

Another live action movie could present scheduling and budgetary concerns.  We stretched the locations, props, and costumes of the first two movies beyond the normal limits of a Dark Maze shoestring budget.  So how would we make a third live action film that offers a unique and worthwhile experience?

More animated Press Start stuff sounds more practical, and yet selfishly speaking, it’s a lot

Live Action Trenton Belfast. Let's make it happen!

more work for me.  So the best answer for now is don’t expect any announcements soon, because we’ve got some stuff to figure out.  But don’t lose hope altogether either.  Things could happen.

As for a live action Trenton Belfast, I would LOVE that!  This picture may come back to haunt me, but there’s me at the Press Start 2 premier dressed as live action Trenton.  He’d make a practical live action character in that he’s humanoid and dresses simply.

I briefly considered writing Trenton into Press Start 2, but there wasn’t really an organic way for him to just sort of pop in and out of the story (for scheduling reasons I wouldn’t have been able to play him as a principle character.)

If there’s more live action Press Start I’d like to make Trenton happen.  Flood Ed Glaser’s office with letters.

Dennis VD Voort asks:

  1. Which character is most fun to write for?
  2. Who rules hell now?  Skippie?
  3. Will there be another season? (obligatory)
  4. Name your favorite episode. (Mine is episode 2)

Numbered questions!  I feel like the editor of a Marvel Comics letters page! 🙂

  1. Count Vile is most fun to write for!  Mostly because I can imagine Peter Davis
    delivering the lines.  I also enjoy Trenton and Buzz Porcupine.
  2. The current ruler of Hell is unknown.  Last we checked, there were only two dudes down there, a tree and a building inspector.  Perhaps one of them is ruling Hell?  Then again, according to the Soul Tournament rules established in “Final
    Fright,” the current ruler must be overthrown to take on the mantle.  So maybe in a technical sense Vile is still in charge, just not doing his job?  Good mysteries to explore in a future Press Start project for sure!
  3. As explained above, it remains a possibility, but nothing is decided yet.
  4. I have a handful of favorites, but I think I’m most proud of “Up to Code.”

Vince Fisher asks:

When will there be new Press Start Adventures?

(Hm, Vince tricked me by asking for a specific time or date, phrasing the question under the assumption that new episodes were definitely coming.  How can I handle this…)

There will be new Press Start Adventures… when… Ed Glaser and I are simultaneously winding down from whatever various other projects we have going on… and decide to figure out how best to approach more Press Start stuff.


TurkishProverb asks:

Is there a particular video-game archetype you felt you didn’t get a chance to
cover in the series?

Good question!  Between three seasons of the cartoon and two live action movies we
covered a lot of ground.  Considering its immense popularity we never really had a good Halo gag though.  The neat thing about videogames is that there is an endless supply of new ones, so I think there are a lot of games, genres, and series that have popped up or gained popularity over the past five years or so that we didn’t touch on.

We did a pretty good job with the gaming character archetypes though I think:  the generically noble RPG/Adventure game protagonist, the Violent Ninja, the Space Marine, the Omnipotent Sorceror, the Lex Luthoresque Big Bad Businessman, shopkeepers, hags, anthropomorphic woodland heroes, goons, thugs, turtles… we didn’t miss anything that keeps me up at night I guess.

Bobby Powell asks:

I just bought your movie Press Start.  It was funny, and damn awesome.  I loved it!

My questions is this:  What order does the series go in?  I know you have two live action movies, and an animated series.  I’m new to the series, so I don’t know.

First of all Bobby, I’m thrilled that you’ve discovered Press Start and hope that you will spread it to your gamer friends like some kind of wonderful infection!

Your question is an important one.  In general, know that the two movies can be watched and enjoyed separately from the series without confusion.  But if you really want to experience the entire Press Start saga in proper chronological order, here’s how to do it…

  • Season 1 of Press Start Adventures:  Episode 1 “Pit Fallout” through Episode 14 “Megabusted”
  • Dial V for Vile (Optional, but these live action shorts take place before the first movie and can be found on the Press Start 1 DVD)
  • Press Start the live action movie
  • Press Start “Bio Haphazard” (A live action short which can be found on both the Press Start 2 DVD, as well as the X-Strike Studios DVD Resident Horror)
  • Season 2 of Press Start Adventures:  Episode 15 “Devil May Die” through Episode 24 “Mirror Match”
  • Season 3 of Press Start Adventures:  Episode 25 “Darksolicitors” through Episode 39 “Spawn Point”
  • Press Start 2 Continue the live action movie

There are also a handful of non-continuity dependent shorts that you can actually watch at any point:

  • The Press Start Holiday Special
  • The Press Start April Fool’s Day Special
  • Four super short cartoons which will be on the PSA DVD: “Speed Run,” “Fowl Play,” “Bubble Trouble,” and “F.U. Zero
  • The Japanese Doll Commercial (found on the Press Start 1 DVD)

Ben Obby Ryan asks:

Aside from video games themselves, what were some of your inspirations to writing Press Start?  Particularly, what do you think influences your style and humor?

What a cool question, Ben, thanks for asking!  My humor, and by extension the style of humor in Press Start was in great part shaped the many excellent movies, TV shows, and cartoons I watched growing up.

Zack, Sam, and Lin-Ku are off on another adventure… hey waitasecond!

I attribute a huge part of that to what I like to call the “Golden Age” of The Simpsons (seasons 3 through 8 or so).  When I was writing the rough draft for Press Start 1, I tried to emulate classic Leslie Nielsen movies like Airplane and Naked Gun.

I also happened to be watching a lot of Futurama at the time, so I think that seeped in on a subconscious level.  There are some eerie analogues between the main trios of each series (not to mention Zippy and Nibbler’s head deally-boppers, and Trenton sounding like a poor man’s Zapp Brannigan.)

There was a reviewer at the time of the first movie who described the dialogue as “Seinfeldian.”  Again, I didn’t try to inject Seinfeld-esque dialogue in there, but it was kind of neat to hear that given that it was another favorite show of mine.  I think to a point, all writers just kind of absorb, adapt, combine, and rechannel the stuff they enjoy.

So I guess that wraps things up for now!  Thanks again to all you dedicated Press Start fans for your gaming humor patronage!  And don’t forget to pick up Press Start Adventures right here!

Dark Maze Studios: http://www.darkmaze.com/

Press Start Adventures: http://www.darkmaze.com/pressstartadventures/

Press Start the movie: http://www.darkmaze.com/pressstart/

Press Start 2 Continue: http://www.darkmaze.com/pressstart2/

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Press Start Adventures is coming to DVD!

Press Start Adventures comes to DVD 2-10-2012!

Exciting news for gamers and fans of cut and paste animation everywhere:  Press Start Adventures will be for sale on DVD February 10th at Darkmaze.com!

For those who don’t know, PSA is the companion web series to the films Press Start and Press Start 2 Continue which spoof the world of gaming from the industry to the characters to the many different kinds of players and the genres which they enjoy.

To mark the occassion, I’d like to invite Press Start Fans of all kinds to post any questions they might have about all things Press Start.  Want to know more about how the Press Start movies and cartoons were conceptualized and created?  Have burning questions about Count Vile’s childhood?  Are you obsessed with finding out Lin-Ku’s middle name?  Now’s your chance.

Post any Press Start or Press Start related questions you might have in the comments below, on my Facebook page, on the Dark Maze Facebook page, or at the official Dark Maze blog and I’ll address them in a Q&A blog in February.

For the full story on Press Start Adventure’s DVD release and a look at the trailer, visit Darkmaze.com!

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Christmas Terror Tales Checklist…

Like Frosty, CTT lies dormant until next holiday season, but there's still plenty to look forward to before that happens!

Thanks to everyone for the great reviews and interest in my new scary stories collection Christmas Terror Tales!

It seems like the closer we get to December 25th the more there is to keep everyone up to date on.  It’s almost like we need some kind of holiday checklist…

So here it is!

* On Friday December 16 I am doing a dramatic reading and signing of CTT at Frugal Muse Books in Darien IL from 7-9PM!  Drop in!

* On Monday December 19th I will be a guest on Tom Riddell’s radio blog “The Writer’s Lounge.”  Tom was also kind enough to write a review of CTT which you can check out here.

* The last Christmas Terror Tales giveaway is still ongonig at Goodreads.com through Friday December 23rd.  Don’t forget to enter!  Aside from Amazon, Goodreads is also a great place for you to rate and share your review of CTT for your fellow readers. 🙂

* For those of you living in South Chicagoland you can buy CTT at Bookies in Beverly!

* For those in the Western Suburbs you can also purchase CTT at Chimera’s Comics in Downtown La Grange!

* And of course CTT is available on Amazon in both paperback and kindle.  There are also plenty of preview pages and reviews to check out there.  Don’t forget to share your opinion. 🙂

* The CTT Facebook page is still going strong with updates, holiday tributes, and trivia which will continue through New Year’s.  Don’t forget to friend us! 🙂

This has been a great project from conception and publication, through marketing and promotion.  I’ve really enjoyed hearing from and interacting with so many of you who enjoy holiday horror and adding a twist of spooky to your Christmas season.  CTT will be available all year round through Amazon, but of course I’ll be back to give it another push next October.  In the meantime, I have more writing projects and blog posts to share with everyone for the New Year on the horizon. 🙂

Frugal Muse Books: www.frugalmusebooks.com
CTT on “The Writer’s Lounge”: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-writers-lounge/2011/12/20/the-writers-lounge-presents-kevin-folliard
CTT at Bookies in South Chicago: http://bookiespaperbacks.com/
CTT at Chimera’s Comics in La Grange:  http://www.chimerascomics.com/
CTT on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Christmas-Terror-Tales-Stories-December/dp/1463786948/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1321214379&sr=8-1
CTT on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Christmas-Terror-Tales/204731106257625
CTT giveaways on Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/17147-christmas-terror-tales-stories-to-enjoy-from-october-through-december

Event Flyer: CTT Reading Flyer

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Dramatic Reading of Christmas Terror Tales at Frugal Muse Books!

Come join us for a dramatic reading of Christmas Terror Tales at Frugal Muse in Darien on December 16th!

Please join us on December 16th for a dramatic reading and signing of Christmas Terror Tales at Frugal Muse Books in Darien IL.

Christmas Terror Tales is a collection of short scary stories set against the backdrop of winter and the December holidays.  These tales of devils, murderers, monsters, spirits, and surprise twists are a great way for young readers to discover the macabre nature of the genre and engage in the long celebrated tradition of reading “scary ghost stories” aloud by the fireplace.

Frugal Muse is an excellent new and used book and media store which serves the Western Suburbs of Chicagoland, and they are generously hosting this opportunity for scary story fans of all ages.

The Details:

What: Dramatic Reading of Christmas Terror Tales
When: Friday, December 16th from 7-9PM
Where: Frugal Muse Books
7511 Lemont Rd.
Darien, IL 60561

Signed copies will be available for $5, or buy 4 get one free!  The event flyer is attached below.

Important Christmas Terror Tales Links:

Frugal Muse Books:  www.frugalmusebooks.com
CTT at Bookies in South Chicago: http://bookiespaperbacks.com/
CTT at Chimera’s Comics in La Grange:  http://www.chimerascomics.com/
CTT on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Christmas-Terror-Tales-Stories-December/dp/1463786948/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1321214379&sr=8-1
CTT on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Christmas-Terror-Tales/204731106257625
CTT giveaways on Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/17147-christmas-terror-tales-stories-to-enjoy-from-october-through-december

Event Flyer: CTT Reading Flyer

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My Salute to Small Business!

Happy Thanksgiving Folks!

It’s been a fast paced and exciting holiday season for me this year, and I can’t express my gratitude enough to all of the people who have been supporting my new collection of holiday scary stories Christmas Terror Tales!  Thanks to the support of my readers, I’m off to a great start with many thoughtful reviews and lots of positive buzz around Chicagoland and the net!

This week I want to give a special shout out to the unsung heroes of our society:  small
businesses!  Everyone knows about BlackFriday, and Cyber Monday has started to catch on as a way to kick off the holiday shopping season as well.

But a more recent trend that I think is fantastic is Small Business Saturday.  Small businesses are run by people who are passionate about the services and products they
provide.  They are our neighbors, and their profits stay within our communities.  So this year make sure you devote a big chunk of your holiday spending money towards friendly shopkeepers down the street from you.

I’m very grateful to the local businesses that have shown an interest in my new book and have been helping me spread the word about holiday horror!  Here are two great small local business that I salute…

The Bookies: Paperbacks and More!

CTT is now available on Chicago's South Side at Bookies: 2419 W. 103rd Street!

2419 W. 103rd St.
(Between Western Ave. & Artesian Ave.)

Bookies is the local independent bookstore in the Beverly area on Chicago’s South Side, where yours truly grew up.  When I was a kid my family would exchange boxes of used books for new ones at this great little shop staffed by friendly helpful neighbors.  Today they’re still there serving a community of readers!  I’m thrilled that they are now carrying my short story collection.  There was no better feeling than dropping by to see Chirstmas Terror Tales on the shelf with R.L. Stein’s Goosebumps this past October!  I’m unworthy!

This year Bookies has some great deals for Black Friday.  Sign up for their E-mail Newsletter and they’ll provide you with an exclusive 25% off coupon to be used on Friday Nov. 25th!  More info at their website!  Bookies is also on Facebook!

CTT is now available at Chimera's Comics in downtown La Grange!

Chimera’s Comics
19 S. La Grange Road
La Grange, IL 60525

I’ve been living in the La Grange area in Chicago’s West Suburbs for a little over a year, and the main thing that I love is our quaint, clean downtown area full of wonderful shops and restaurants.  As a total nerd, the only thing it lacked for me was a comic book shop.  Within a few months of my move, this awesome store opens up!  Chimera’s is everything you would want from a comic shop.  All the latest issues of DC, Marvel, and your favorite independent titles.  Tons of cool merchandise and memorabilia.  There’s always a great movie or cartoon playing on the wall.  And most importantly the owners are super nice guys who frequently host activities for young people in the community.

Chimera’s is also having a Black Friday event with lots of great deals, so please check out their website and find them on Facebook!

Go check out these great establishments this holiday season.  Or if you’re not in the area, please support the local businesses down the street from you.  These are the people who bring a unique flavor to our towns and cities.  They work hard all the time, and they work even harder when times are tough (which they are!)  Local businesses:  I salute you!

And of course, here’s my standard Christmas Terror Tales Roundup…

CTT at Bookies in South Chicago: http://bookiespaperbacks.com/
CTT at Chimera’s Comics in La Grange:  http://www.chimerascomics.com/
CTT on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Christmas-Terror-Tales-Stories-December/dp/1463786948/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1321214379&sr=8-1
CTT on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Christmas-Terror-Tales/204731106257625
CTT giveaways on Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/17147-christmas-terror-tales-stories-to-enjoy-from-october-through-december

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Spotlight Theater Presents Christmas Terror Tales!

Ladies, Gentlemen, Horror Enthusiasts, and Theater-Goers of All Kinds:

I’m pleased to report that Spotlight Theater in Chicago’s South Suburbs has made Christmas Terror Tales a part of the grand opening of their new theater in New Lennox.

Spotlight is a terrific group that I have had the pleasure of working with in the past.  Since 2005, they have been breaking the mold of the typical community theater to provide professional performances of challenging, rarely staged shows.  While neighboring groups are performing “Joseph” for the eighth time in as many years, Spotlight has been busy bringing dark, powerful, and suspenseful pieces like “Rope,” “Veronica’s Room,” and “No Exit” to the community; as well as rarely seen classics and comedies.  Check out their eclectic assemblage of past productions.

They’ve recently acquired a brand new space for performances and are hosting an entertainment packed evening to invite the community to come check it out:

The Details:

Where: Spotlight Theater
22032 Howell Dr.
New Lennox, IL 60451

When: Saturday, November 19th

What: $6 Admission for…

*Live music by Grand Staff Jazz
*Stand Up Comedy
*Dramatic Readings of Christmas Terror Tales
*A Preview Scene from Spotlight’s Upcoming Show “Jake’s Women”
*Snacks and Beverages
*$200 worth of prizes and gift certificates to give away

Stop by, get entertained, support theater in your community, and don’t forget to grab a copy of Christmas Terror Tales on the way out!

More exciting CTT news on the way!

CTT & Spotlight Theater: http://www.spotlight-theater.com/CurrentProduction.htm
CTT at Bookies in South Chicago: http://bookiespaperbacks.com/
CTT on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Christmas-Terror-Tales-Stories-December/dp/1463786948/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1321214379&sr=8-1
CTT on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Christmas-Terror-Tales/204731106257625
CTT giveaways on Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12846789-christmas-terror-tales

Show Flier: Spotlight Theater Studio Grand Opening Gala Colour Christmas Terror Tales Poster

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