Happy New Year, everyone!
It has been a rough year for us all, but it was a good year for getting stories out there. I am thankful to my writers groups, the publishers and editors who have taken a chance on my work, and the readers who have enjoyed my stories (especially those who post reviews on Amazon and Goodreads!)
Here is my final publication round-up for 2020!
*Demain Publishing releases my novella Tower of Raven as a Kindle exclusive on 12-31-2020, and you can preorder NOW! This story is a dark fantasy that reimagines the Maiden in the Tower/Rapunzel fable and takes it in a new direction. I’m very excited to hear what people think of it!
*My story “Headless Viper” has been included in a beautiful anthology of genre fiction A Celebration of Storytelling by Dark Owl Publishing!
*The Horror Tree/Trembling With Fear featured several stories and articles over the past few months, including:
- My sci-fi horror story “Scorch the Earth” on 11-8-2020!
- My flash fiction “Christmas in Resurrection Cemetery” in their holiday feature!
- My longer story “Snowflake” in their Serial Killers feature, released in 5 installments:
- Lionel Ray Green of the Horror Tree was kind enough to conduct an author interview with me too!
- And last, but not least, Horror Tree reviewer Alyson Faye gave my book The Misery King’s Closet 5 / 5 stars!
MORE to come in 2021, including some very exciting projects coming to fruition! Stay safe and well! 🙂
Kevin M. Folliard’s Books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Kevin-Folliard/e/B0097S7T0A/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0
Demain Publishing: https://demainpublishingblog.weebly.com/
The Horror Tree/Trembling With Fear: https://horrortree.com/category/trembling-with-fear/
Dark Owl Publishing: https://www.darkowlpublishing.com/