What a year! And it’s only half over. . .
I hope everyone is doing as well as they can be during challenging circumstances. I admit that I have let my fiction writing promotion fall by the wayside this year, and for that I apologize. However, I have managed to get some cool new stories out there, and I’ve got more stuff up my sleeves too.
Without further ado, here are the new stories that I’ve published in 2020 for your reading pleasure . . .
*Firstly, The Horror Tree’s Trembling With Fear is featuring several of my stories this year. Two have been published so far:
*Triangle Writers Magazine from Breaking Rules Publishing has featured two of my LGBTQ horror stories which are both very important to me:
*My 100-word drabble “Vault” was published at City. River. Tree.
*My Flash Fiction “Impacts” was published at Potato Soup Journal.
*My Short Sharp Shocks! book “Candy Corn”–previously Kindle exclusive–is now available in paperback too!
*Finally, my own La Grange and Brookfield Writers Groups came together to publish 19-word reflections on our Covid-19 experiences in “Covid Chronicles.” You can check out these thoughtful pieces of micro-fiction through the La Grange Library’s website! (I miss the library!)
That’s it for now! I hope that some of you will find pleasant and intriguing distractions in my fiction this year. I will be sure to update you again, hopefully a little more regularly going forward.
Please stay safe and treat all of your neighbors like family! We are truly in these trying times together, and it’s important to remember that we are all of us human.
Breaking Rules/Triangle Writers Magazine: https://www.breakingrulespublishing.com/store/p162/Triangle_Writers_Magazine.html
City. River. Tree: https://cityrivertree.com/
Potato Soup Journal: http://potatosoupjournal.com/
Kevin M. Folliard’s Books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Kevin-Folliard/e/B0097S7T0A/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0
La Grange Public Library: https://www.lagrangelibrary.org/